Elizabeth likes to make food. She enjoys reading recipes, planning meals, and shopping for fresh ingredients. Bob likes to eat food. He enjoys trying new meals, new restaurants, and new drinks.
Such good looking food
Vegetarian Chili
Bob likes to think of himself as a chili making master. He makes a pretty decent green chili, a very spicy red chili, and once he made a whiskey chili that he doesn't like to speak about. But I make a pretty decent vegetarian chili. Like most of my recipes, its a Rachael Ray recipe.
Blackberry Habanero Jam
Bob and I have been doing appetizer meals lately. We get some frozen appetizers and toss them in the oven. We'll eat some fruit, maybe a desert treat, and some veggies. This type of meal came in handy when we were preparing to move and cleaning out our fridge. And of course, no appetizer meal would be complete without cheese and crackers. Bob got this awesome Blackberry Habanero Jam that we have been adding to our cheese and cracker routine. Its awesome - sweet with a kick.
Where have we been?

So we haven't really been blogging much lately. It's not that Elizabeth has stopped cooking and Bob has stopped eating.......but we moved. The day that I published the last blog, Bob and I went to an open house, liked that house, and a few days later we put in an offer. We are now in our new home. And we love it. Here is our new kitchen that has tons of space for cooking.
Veggie Burgers and Pasta Salad
I've been doing veggie burgers for lunches lately. I take a Morningstar Garden Burger, toss it in the microwave for a min or so, and its good to go. I put it on a whole wheat bun with some sprouts and sliced tomato, along with a slice of swiss cheese. I also add a bit of Miracle Whip/ Low-fat Mayo because I like to pretend I'm in Canada. This is a very tasty lunch, and I believe its relatively healthy. More healthy than eating dead cow.
Make a-head Vegetarian Lasagna
1 – eating out all the time is making us fat, and we’ve got a wedding to slim down for.
2 – We are buying a townhouse and need to stay on a budget. We aren’t going to be able to afford to eat out anymore.
3 – We like to cook. We have a cooking blog. If we don’t cook very often, we won’t be able to add things to this blog and people will stop reading. That would be lame.
So, the point is, I’m entering this phase where I prepare meals ahead of time, have things on hand, and make/freeze food to use later in the week.The next evening, a half hour before I got home, Bob put the foil covered casserole dish in the oven at 375 degrees. When I got home, I took the foil off the dish, and sprinkled cheese on top of it and put it back in the over for 15 mins. I forgot to put spinach inside the lasagna, so while the cheese was melting, I sautéed up a bag of spinach with EVOO and minced garlic. When the lasagna was done, we topped it with sautéed spinach.
Dinner tonight, breakfast tomorrow.
Since Bob and I had leftover biscuits, and hash browns from the Vegetarian Chicken Mug Pies, we bought some eggs at the store, used some leftover ham and cheese slices from the previous week's lunches, and made ourselves some breakfast sandwiches.
Vegetarian Chicken Mug Pie
It's raining. Its been raining for day :( Some people, crazy people, like the rain. I don't because I don't like the wet. yuck.
Peanut Butter-Chocolate Banana Cream Pie
Vodka Cream Sauce
Bob plays softball on Friday nights, and since I hate sitting outside, pretending to watch, and having dirt blow on me, I have started staying home. I struck up a deal with Bob; I don't go to the games, instead I stay home and make nice dinner. Everyone is happy. I don't have to go to softball, and Bob gets a nice meal when he gets home.
Breakfast for Dinner
There are few meals that have left me speechless... and this was one of them. Bob and I were in a little rut trying to come up with something for dinner last night, so we flipped through our Rachael Ray DVDs and came across her 'Breakfast for Dinner' episode. The meal consists of French Toast-wiches with Peach Chutney, Green Onion Hashbrowns, and Yougurt Parfaits. Below is the link to the Food Network site for this show.
http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/show_tm/episode/0,1976,FOOD_9997_20600,00.html |
Potato Skins: The Verdict
As with any meal or dish that exists only in the mind before it is attempted to be brought into the tangible world things don't go quite as expected. As per the previous post the plan was to create potato skins without a recipe with the twist of using sweet potatoes instead of the standard Idaho spud. The sweet potatoes took quite a while to get cooked, and when I thought they were done, they were still in need of more cooking for the core of the potato. If you're trying this at home you might as well put the sweet potatoes in the oven for a full day or just ask Orpheus to run them down to Hades for the afternoon. If you seriously want to know how long this should cook and what temperature then hopefully you'll be less lazy than me and look it up. The next issue that occurred was that unlike bar skins these sweet skins just fell right off from the rest of the potato. This is when I went to plan B. Plan B consisted of making some hasty mashed potatoes. I didn't have a masher or even anything worthy of mashing so I used a plastic spatula and a lot of elbow grease. Since we had no milk that was fresh I used some cream to give it a consistency that was a little easier to work with. For some reason at this point I decided to throw some curry in. It just seemed to make sense and ended up working out really well. It compliments the flavor of the sweet potato really well, and Elizabeth didn't realize that it was even in there even though I put in a little more than I intended.
How about Potato Skins
E's Top of the Town
BBQ Pork
Healthy Pizza
Bbq tofu with cilantro lime brown rice and black beans, sauteed spinach, and melon
Tortellini Soup
Here’s what you need:
1 sack of fresh pre-washed Spinach (we always get the family size bag because we like extra spinach)
2 boxes and 1 can of Vegetable broth (I like Pacific Foods brand low sodium vegetable broth)
1+ pound of fresh Tortellini (Cheese is always good, but sometimes we get Chicken herb and prosciutto tortellini)
Bring broth to a boil. Add tortellini and boil for 5-10 minutes. Tear spinach into pieces and stir into soup. Let spinach wilt a little, then serve with some crusty bread. If you really like cheese, you can top the soup with some shredded parmesan cheese.
Pita Pizza
Pre-heat the oven to 425 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with some tin foil to prevent a mess. Take a pita and spread some pesto on it. Top with toppings. I like sliced zucchini, red bell pepper, and black olives. Top with shredded cheese, then sprinkle a little bit of dried basil and either garlic powder or minced garlic on top of the cheese.
Bake these for 15 mins.
These can be vegetarian if you don’t use meat toppings, and these can be made vegan if follow all the steps, but omit the cheese. (They are actually very tasty without the cheese, just load up on some extra veggies!)
Ravioli Lasagna
You will need:
Some EVOO, 1 bag of fresh spinach, 1 tub of ricotta cheese, 2 cloves of garlic, about a palm full of dried basil, 2 packages of frozen ravioli (we like Safeway Select Mushroom ravioli,) 1 15ounce can of artichoke hearts, and about 1 ½ cups shredded parmesan cheese.
Pre heat the oven to 425. Prepare the ravioli according to the package directions. Chop/crush the garlic (or use some of the minced garlic from a jar) and mix into the ricotta cheese. Mix the dried basil into the ricotta cheese also. Drain the water from the can of artichoke hearts.
In a rectangular baking dish, drizzle some EVOO in the bottom of the dish, then begin layering 1/3 of the ravioli on the bottom. The ravioli is sometimes to hot to handle at this stage, so tongs might be helpful for this step. Another tip for this step, lay the flattest side of the ravioli on the bottom of the dish. For the second layer, spread half of the ricotta cheese mixture with a spatula over the ravioli. Then, layer some of the fresh spinach over the ricotta mixture. For the fourth layer, lay down half of the can of artichoke hearts. To spread them out better, pull the artichoke pieces apart while you are laying them down. After the artichoke layer, I drizzle a little more EVOO over the top.
Continue layering the layers. 1/3 of the ravioli, the other ½ of the ricotta mixture, some more spinach, the other ½ of the artichoke hearts, a little more EVOO, then the last layer of ravioli. Top with the parmesan cheese. Bake for 30min.
Sweet Potato Burritos
Early in our dating, when we were pulling out all the stops to impress each other, I picked up some burritos while I was visiting my sister in Fort Collins. It had been years since Bob had ate one. While we were eating them, Bob told me of his potato burrito recipe that he had mastered during his bachelorhood, how he ate them daily, and how it helped him put on 40lbs. I said, and possibly just as an attempt to impress him, “I think I could make a healthy version of these that we could make at home and eat more often.”
And I did.
First, pre heat the oven to 425. Take a decent sized sweet potato, wash it, dice it, and toss it on a cookie sheet.
I need to interrupt here and state that I am from the Rachael Ray School of cooking. I don’t really measure things and I call olive oil EVOO.
Drizzle EVOO over the pieces; sprinkle about half a palm full of cumin and about the same amount of cayenne over the sweet potato. Mix it with your hands to make sure all the pieces are evenly coated. Bake for ten mins, shuffle the pieces around on the cookie sheet so they bake evenly, then bake for another ten mins.
When the pieces are done baking, toss some of them on a tortilla (we like spinach tortillas!) and add your toppings. We always add a spoonful of Ranch dressing to take the recipe back to its Big City roots. Bob likes to add Cholula. Diced avocado, diced tomato, and diced black olives are good too. Sometimes we use some shredded cheddar cheese, but if you leave it out, the recipe is vegan.
We make this recipe at least once a week and its always amazing.