Yesterday, after successfully reorganizing my closet, I rewarded myself by watching 'Julie & Julia'. It was awesome. I know that there are many people that have issues with books being made into movies, and as a sorta-librarian I suppose I should weigh in on that. Here's what I normally do: If the movie comes out before I read the book, and the previews appeal to me, then I watch the movie, then read the book. If I have already read the book when the film comes out, I usually skip the movie.
Anyway, Julie & Julia was great and inspired me as both a writer and a cook. The film tells the stories of both Julie Powell and her attempt to cook all of Julia Child's recipes in one year, as well as telling the story of Julia Child moving to Paris and learning to cook French food to have something to do during the day, then spending years working on her cookbook.
I recommend it highly.