Bob and I had movie night the other night, and we watched Food Inc. It is a film about the food industry. Do you know where your food actually comes from? Do you know whats actually in your food?
The film features the heavy hitter of Food Journalism - Eric Schlosser and Michael Pollan.
I recommend that everyone rent it, Netflix it, get it from the library, or On Demand. And check out http://www.foodincmovie.com/

From this film, I learned that Smithfield Farms is pretty much evil. They bully their employees and their animals. Sows breed in small, dirty crates. Many employees are illegal imigrants and given horrible jobs. Paula Deen is a spokesperson for Smithfield products. So, at my attempt at activism, I emailed Paula to express my disappointment for alligning herself with such a company.

Watch the film. Get involved.
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